The Best Time of Year to See Whale Sharks in Exmouth

Posted byadmin Posted onSeptember 10, 2024 Comments0
Whale Shark Tours Exmouth

Among the many attractive tourist spots in Western Australia, Exmouth town boasts of abundant marine life and is the top spot for whale shark spotting. These large fish sharks are unique and so magnificent and what a victory for every person who sees them. So in this article, we will provide you with the whale shark swimming privileges, then highlight the time Exmouth Australia is most favourable to Whale Shark Tours Exmouth and examine their behaviour.

Swimming with Whale Sharks Australia

Swimming with Whale Sharks Australia

Although swimming with whale sharks in Australia, in particular, Exmouth area, is an experience one would like to have at least once in a lifetime, whale sharks are the gentle giants epitomized as the gentle giants in the water. Notably, Whale sharks, one combines with one of the splendid creatures of the ocean kingdom, provide an adventure of engagement varying none other. The blue sea of Ningaloo Reef is the best place to have such a kind of experience. Being one of the few regions with whale sharks and availing whale sharks tour packages, Exmouth has gained popularity as a favourite spot for underwater photographers and enthusiasts.

Whale Shark Behavior

One of the main feeder activities of the whale shark includes rather specialization on krill and tiny fish which could be regarded as non-sized feeding activities. It involves swimming headlong with an open mouth into the water and letting the animal juice through the gill rakers. It is a great thing to see these massive creatures’ movements in their natural habitats. With slow, gentle motions and a peaceful presence, whale sharks can safely be approached. Usually running from April to July, whale shark season brings out these beautiful marine animals in large numbers in the waters surrounding the Ningaloo Reef.

Whale Shark: Whale or Shark?

Whale Shark

Although the term Whale shark refers to these species it is neither a whale nor is it like a shark as most people would imagine. Instead, these are the biggest fish that can ever be found in water bodies. Whale sharks, however, feed through passive filtering. Hephaestus is equipped with a huge mouth which acts like a sponge, soaking up water as well as plankton and such other minute sea creatures enabling passive feeding. This differentiates them from most of their co-habitants in the seas. The whale shark is a benevolent creature with no harm to swimmers and therefore very popular amongst people who wish to swim with these species.

Annual Migration Patterns

For many, the migration of Whale sharks takes to another level of wonder in the world of migration. These fascinating animals Search for food, travelling great distances following the nutrient waters in Ningaloo Reef and the rest of the coral coast. The migration of these fish has a great dependence and relationship with the presence of plankton or other small sea life. At the time of visit to see the mass gatherings, most whale sharks aggregate which are open to visitors. That’s the time when they have the opportunity to enjoy swimming with these great creatures.

Where is the Best Place for Swimming with Whale Sharks?

Where is the Best Place for Swimming with Whale Sharks

Exmouth remains the number one choice when listing areas to swim with whale sharks without a limit to the imagination. The deep waters surrounding Ningaloo Reef, known for its wonderful marine life, create the ideal setting for the whale shark. Combined with the natural migration pattern of the whale sharks, the warm waters provided by the reef form an enabling condition for interacting with these great figures. For those wanting more than just the encounter with a whale shark, the adjacent Coral Bay also has good whale shark options and all the whale shark tours provide several options to choose from.

Visit Exmouth for Whale Sharks

For ecotourism and thrill-seekers alike, no trip down to Exmouth for whale shark tours could be complete. Exmouth is definitely tourist-friendly and has several types of whale shark trips, from private charters to group bookings. The town’s location in relation to the Ningaloo Reef makes it ideal for swimming with whale sharks as it close to the best sites. Marveling at the breathtaking scenery is one thing, but seeing more of the diverse underwater world inhabited by manatees or sea turtles only makes the visit even more worthwhile.

How to Get to Exmouth to Swim with the Whale Sharks

How to Get to Exmouth to Swim with the Whale Sharks

There are various ways in which these travelers can arrive at Exmouth be it by air, land or even by sea which makes it quite simple to travel to Exmouth. A regional airport provides services to Exmouth WA with direct flights from capitals like Perth. Alternatively, highways running from Perth bus station to Exmouth provide epic views of the western regions of Australia. For instance, there are trips arranged by Ningaloo Whale Shark n Dive which include reaching the site of exploits and therefore are ideal for tourists.

When is the Whale Shark Season Exmouth?

Ningaloo Reef

The whale shark season in Exmouth is between the months of April and July. This phase usually sees the greatest number of whale sharks and hence the highest chance of sightings is within this period. Summers are the time for swimming with whale sharks as these marine animals invade the warm Ningaloo Reef where they are supplied with a lot of plankton. Droves of visitors make arrangements to visit the sites when the whales are present, and whale shark tours are the most popular.

Table: Best Times for Whale Shark Sightings in Exmouth

MonthWhale Shark SightingsWater TemperatureAverage Visibility
MarchModerate26°C (79°F)Good
AprilHigh26°C (79°F)Excellent
MayPeak25°C (77°F)Excellent
JunePeak24°C (75°F)Excellent
JulyHigh23°C (73°F)Good
AugustModerate22°C (72°F)Fair

The table above includes details about the optimal periods for seeing whale sharks in Exmouth including the water temperature and visibility of the area. The months of May and June are noted as having the best possible chances to see the animals as it is mostly good visibility and favorable water temperatures about these gentle giants.

Swimming With Whale Sharks Tour in Exmouth

Most of the tour companies in Exmouth provide tours for swimming and interacting with whale sharks. These tours have a range of options from half a day up to a full day tours with additional activities such as lavish buffet lunches and soft drinks included in most of the packages. Some of the tours such as the ones from Ocean Eco Adventures also include underwater scooters and other activities. The tour selection is such that the tour quality ranges from poor to excellent hence one should be careful in selecting tours according to personal preferences and finances. Reviews are important and the participants should ensure that the tour company is licensed and does not promote irresponsible tourism.


This whale shark season in Exmouth is like no other. Exmouth has warm water, rich marine life, and great opportunities for swimming with giant whale sharks, one of the most majestic creatures in the ocean. Be it an experienced diver or simply a regular swimmer, the experience of getting so close to these massive peaceful creatures is never forgotten. Quite a lot of preparations must be done to exploit thoroughly the experience of swimming with the whale shark and all that this region has to offer.


What is the best month to see whale sharks in Exmouth?

Exmouth boasts the best months of whale shark watching from April up to July, which is referred as the whale shark season. At these months, waters around the Ningaloo Reef are full of these nice cuddly animals.

How can I book a whale shark tour in Exmouth?

You can book a whale shark tour in Exmouth via the tour operators such as Ningaloo Whale Shark n Dive, Ocean Eco Adventures, Coral Bay Eco Tours, and many others have Online booking. You should do your booking a few weeks in advance.

Can non-swimmers go on whale shark tours?

Most of the time, whale shark tours are specially organized for paying customers who are adept at swimming- however there are a few providers who have alternatives for non-swimmers such as guided boat tours and snorkel safari. It is a good idea to check with the tour operator in advance for any such provisions.

What do you need to wear and bring for the whale shark tour?

In order to prepare for a whale shark tour, pack swimming suits, towel, extra clothes for after the swim, shampoo and a winter jacket, if required. In addition to this, there are some tours which may offer other things such as the snorkeling equipment as well as hot cold deli-meats or an elaborate buffet lunch.

Are there any extra costs besides the whale shark tours?

A few whale shark tours might have add on costs such as some governmental income or prices for other additional attractions like the aquatic scooters or private boat rent. Even, these questions will be utmost imperative while your desire to take the tour will be overcome.
